Fuel filter, Air filter, Lube Doors/Window/Hinges, Etc.

Our team of expert mechanics at AG Automotive can do it all! Both gas & diesel vehicles!


You shouldn’t need to be an automotive expert to have a long-lasting car that runs exactly as it should. We go above and beyond to provide you with all the information and confidence you need to feel safe and secure on the road. Plus, we make the process as stress-free and convenient as possible, so you can get back to navigating more important things in life.


We offer our customers a full-service experience for any of their major vehicle needs including:


  • Add oil additive (If Required)
  • Change Fuel Filter- including cleaning out fuel bowl’s (If Applicable)
  • Change External Transmission Filter (If Equipped & needed) and top off fluid
  • Replace fuel filter, intake filter & cabin filter
  • Lube all door hinges & locks- including tail gate or rear hatch (If Applicable)
  • Lube ignition cylinder
  • Spark plug replacement (if applicable)
  • Coolant flush (If applicable)
  • Lube all window slides- including rear slider window (If Applicable) with dry lube
  • Check tires for abnormal wear, tire pressures, and adjust air pressure to vehicle specifications (Note any tires that are low as they may have a leak)
  • Reset TPMS tire pressure monitoring system (If Applicable)
  • All vehicles are cleaned and disinfected after the final test drive
  • Recheck for leaks- including fuel filters and transmission filter
  • Final quality check


We recommend having the commonly neglected major services completed on your vehicle once a year or every ten to twelve thousand miles.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the condition of your vehicle, call AG Automotive and schedule an appointment with our team of expert automotive technicians today!


Schedule any major vehicle services with our expert mechanics at AG Automotive today!


If you have noticed that your vehicle doesn’t feel like it used to, the check engine light is on, or is making odd sounds, Ag Automotive will have you back on the road in no time after we identify that your vehicle needs a major vehicle service. Our expert technicians have the tools and knowledge to inspect, assess, fix and or replace any major problems that might be holding you back.


We want the job to be done right the first time, so we ensure any major service performed on your vehicle is working properly and exceeds the manufacturer’s specifications after our service is complete. We offer our customers a full service inspection and service of any major problems so they can get back out on the road and drive with confidence knowing their vehicle was serviced by the best. 


Don’t Second-Guess the Condition of Your Vehicle

Many auto owners struggle to know if the right work was done the right way on their car. As a courtesy, we provide digital vehicle inspections and photos so you can quickly and easily see what our experienced, professional technicians are seeing. Overall, we go the extra mile to help you make informed decisions on the repair and maintenance plan of your vehicle, so you can drive with confidence every time you get behind the wheel.